Contest Theme: What does it mean to you to be a military-connected child?
Eligibility: Open to any military-connected child, K-Grade 12
Contest: March 13-April 17
Entry Deadline: 16 April 2024
Judging: 19 April, 2024, NSA Bethesda Warrior Food Court, Bldg. 62
Contest Rules:
- Open to any military-connected children, K-Grade 12
- One submission per participant
- Art submission must be original. Please don’t submit any work copied from a book, the web, clipart, etc.
- Art submission size: 8.5 x 11” (or comparable), any medium
- Send consent form below for each participant
- Write your child's name on the back of the artwork submission (name must match the electronic consent form)
Artwork Submissions: Military & Family Support Center, NSA Bethesda, Bldg. 11 (unless otherwise indicated)
Entries will be judged in four age group categories: K-G2, G3-5, G6-8, G9-12. Prizes will be awarded.