Family Advocacy Program (FAP)

The Family Advocacy Program provides a variety of intervention and treatment models to meet the needs of individual families in reference to child and spouse/partner abuse concerns. Licensed credentialed clinical professionals provide the services. Domestic Abuse Victim Advocates also play a key role in assisting with these services. The program is designed to address the prevention, identification, reporting, intervention, treatment and follow-up of child and spouse/partner maltreatment. The program has five primary goals:

  • Prevention of family violence
  • Victim safety planning and protection
  • Offender accountability
  • Rehabilitative education and counseling
  • Community accountability and responsibility for a consistent, appropriate response


Domestic Violence Support Group-REGISTER

Support group for anyone experiencing domestic violence. 

Women's Empowerment Support Group-REGISTER

Virtual Support Group for women that meets every Thursday from 12:30-2 PM.

Male Victim Support Group-REGISTER

Support Group for men experiencing verbal, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse. Meets every Thursday from 9:30-11:30 AM at the Military Family Support Center in Building 11. 


Contact directly to your Family Advocacy Representative by EMAIL.


"New to the Navy" App

The "New to the Navy" mobile application is for Sailors (Enlisted and Officers) who are fresh out of Boot Camp or Officer Candidate School and ready to report to their first command. The app answers common questions new Sailors may have on pay and personnel matters as they transfer to a school or to their duty station. Available for Apple and Android devices.